
  It's time to + (verb)

You are letting someone know that something is required to be done at the present time.

Here are some examples:

"It's time to say goodbye."
"It's time to ask for a raise."
"It's time to collect our money."
"It's time to cheer for our team."
"It's time to change the clocks."
"It is time to decide what to do."
"It is time to enjoy ourselves."
"It is time to fill me in on what's going on."
"It is time to help out."
"It is time to join a gym."


It's too bad that

'Too bad' means regrettable or unfortunate. When using it in a sentence you are expressing a concern or regret for what has taken place. The topic being discussed could have happened to you, the person you are talking to, or someone or something else.

Here are some examples:

"It's too bad that she lost her job."
"It's too bad that you have to go."
"It's too bad that I found out about it."
"It's too bad we will not be there on time."
"It's too bad that tickets are all gone to that concert."
"It's too bad that it is supposed to rain."
"It's too bad that she got hurt."
"It's too bad that my work has to lay off people."
"It's too bad that you do not understand."


It's Up To You

"It's up to you, but I don't think we should bother him."
"I don't care what we do tonight, it's up to you."
"It's up to you whether we invite them to the party."

A. "What time do you think we should leave to go to the airport?"
B. "It's up to you. Our flight is at 7 o'clock."
A. "I think we should leave by 5 then."
A. "Ok. Sounds good to me."

Other Common Sentences

"You can decide."
"You can make the decision."

It's very kind of you to + (verb)

When saying it is 'kind of you' you are saying that what someone has done or said was very appreciated or welcomed.

Here are some examples:

"It's very kind of you to offer me the job."
"It's very kind of you to listen to me."
"It's very kind of you to join me."
"It's very kind of you to invite us."
"It's very kind of you to inform us what happened."
"It is kind of you to help us."
"It is kind of you to fill me in."
"It is kind of you to entertain us."
"It is kind of you to double my salary."
"It is kind of you to decorate for the party."

It's hard for me to + (verb)

When saying that something is 'hard for me' you are informing someone that what you are talking about is difficult or challenging for you.

Here are some examples:

"It's hard for me to accept what you are telling me."
"It's hard for me to argue your point."
"It's hard for me to balance my check book."
"It's hard for me to concentrate on the task."
"It's hard for me to consider your other options."
"It's hard for me to depend on you."
"It is hard for me to decide where to go tonight."
"It is hard for me to explain my actions."
"It is hard for me to guarantee your success."
"It is hard for me to handle so much pressure."

It's no use + (verb-ing)

'It's' is a contraction for 'it is.' By stating 'it's no use' you are saying that what you or someone else is doing is not recommended or uncalled for.

Here are some examples:

"It's no use crying."
"It's no use separating them."
"It's no use talking to her."
"It's no use whining about it."
"It's no use apologizing."
"It's no use attempting to please him."
"It's no use arguing about it."
"It's no use behaving that way."
"It's no use cleaning up."
"It's no use checking on it yet."

It's about time

"It's about time."
"It's about time. I waited two hours for you."
"It's about time I got a chance to play."

A: "I've been waiting for 3 weeks to try out the new laptop. Isn't it my turn yet?"
B: "Yes. It's your turn. I'll get it for you."
A: "It's about time."

It's my turn to + (verb)

The word 'It's' is a contraction of the words 'it is.' When stating 'my turn' you are telling someone that it is time to change position or position focuses on to you.

Here are some examples:

"It's my turn to walk you home."
"It's my turn to do laundry."
"It's my turn to work late."
"It's my turn to take out the trash."
"It's my turn to choose where we eat."
"It is my turn to pay for dinner."
"It is my turn to roll the dice."
"It is my turn to provide an answer."
"It is my turn to try and play the game."
"It is my turn to attempt solving the problem."

It's a Long Story

"I know you want to know what happened but it's a long story."
"It's a long story about what happened between us."
"We used to be friends but it's a long story."

A. "Hey there's Tim. Didn't you guys used to be good friends?"
B. "Yes, we were friends a few years ago but not anymore."
A. "Why, what happened?"
B. "It's a long story."

Other Common Sentences

"It's hard to explain."
"It will take a while to explain."

It's a Deal

"So if I take the kids to swim lessons, you will clean the house? It's a deal!"
"It's a deal. I will clean the garage if you stop bothering me about it."
"If I stop eating donuts, I don't have to run every day? It's a deal!"

A. "If you do my yard work, I will buy you candy."
B. "No thanks. I shouldn't eat too much candy."
A. "If you mow my grass, I will pay you ten dollars."
B. "Sounds good. It's a deal."

Other Common Sentences

"I agree to your proposal."
"Let's agree to that."

It's Nothing

"It's nothing. It didn't take long for me to do this."
"No need to thank me. It's nothing."
"Oh, it's nothing to call and let you know what I find out."

A. "I had no idea you guys were getting together tonight."
B. "Really? I sent an email inviting everyone."
A. "I didn't receive it."
B. "You're more than welcome to come. I will add you to my email list for next time."
A. "Thanks. I hope it's not too much to ask."
B. "No, it's nothing to add you on."

Other Common Sentences

"No problem."


 It's written all over your face

"I know you did it, it's written all over your face."
"I know that you're sad, it's written all over your face."
"I can tell you are upset. It's written all over your face."

A. "I am not the one who made the mess in the kitchen."
B. "Come on, it's written all over your face."

Other Common Sentences

"Your facial expression is showing your true thoughts."
"I can tell you're lying by your face expression."
"The look on your face is making things obvious."

It's gonna be + (adjective)

You're informing someone what something is going to be like. This could be something you are going to do, see or feel.

Here are some examples:

"It's going to be delicious."
"It's gonna be easy."
"It's gonna be depressing."
"It's going to be exciting."
"It's going to be disgusting."

You can also add 'he or she' or a person's name to describe how they might react to something.

Here are some examples:

"He is going to be tough to deal with."
"He is going to be terrific at that."
"She is going to be relieved to hear that."
"She is going to be scared after watching that movie."
"Sally is going to be successful."
"Mike is going to be grumpy after I tell him."


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