Do you like

 Do you like

With this question you are asking someone what they prefer or enjoy.

Here are some examples:

"Do you like traveling on a plane?"
"Do you like watching baseball on TV?"
"Do you like skiing or snowboarding?"
"Do you like going to bed early?"
"Do you like spending time with me?"
"Do you like repeating the class?"
"Do you like playing video games?"
"Do you like listening to music?"
"Do you like practicing playing the piano?"
"Do you like jogging with me?"

 I feel like + (verb-ing)

Here you are expressing to someone something you would enjoy doing.

Here are some examples:

By adding 'don't' or 'do not' you can change what you are saying to express something you would not enjoy or express a concern about something.

Here are some examples:

 It looks like + (noun)

You could be describing how something is similar or appears to be by the way it looks.

Here are some examples:

You can also use 'it looks like' to describe something that might be in the future.

Here are some examples:

You can also use it to describe something in the present tense.

Here are some examples:

I would like to + (verb)

This sentence lets someone know what you would be interested in doing. This can be a physical, mental or verbal action.

Here are some examples:

 Why do you like sales?

"Why do you like sales?"

You can answer this question in numerous ways. But to make your answer effective, you should think of an answer that will show your strong points as a salesman. Make sure to cover your own traits that are important to sales. Here is an example.

Short Answers

"I like sales because I like talking with people and I'm good at making people feel comfortable."

"I enjoy sales because it requires strong communication skills and that's one of my strong traits. I like the challenge of making a sale and I feel good whenever I make a good sale."

"I like sales because it fits my personality. I enjoying working with all sorts of people and I like to provide great customer service by answering questions about products professionally."

Long Answer

"I've always liked sales. I enjoy working with and talking to people. I'm good at making people comfortable and I also like the challenge. In the past with my friends, I heard comments frequently that I would make a good salesman even before I got into sales. So basically, I like sales because it fits my personality and I really enjoy it."

Do you like to work by yourself or with others?

"Do you like to work by yourself or with others?"

Even if you have a strong preference to work alone or with others, the best answer is to say both. Even if a job is mostly about working alone, there might be some team work involved. Most employers want someone who can work well in a team and work well alone.

"That's a tough question... I like the combination of the two. It's great working in teams while getting and sharing ideas with each other, but it's also nice to sit at your desk and work hard productively. I like to do both so it's hard to choose one over the other."

If they insist on choosing one, then choose the one that is relevant to the job you are interviewing for. Make sure you pause a little before saying so.

"If I had to choose just one, then... I'd probably choose to work alone."          

What do you like to do when you're not in the office?

"What do you like to do when you're not in the office?"

This is another question where they want to find out some of your hobbies. Basically, you can answer this question similar to how you would answer, what are your hobbies.

"When I'm not in the office, I like to play golf, read magazines, and spend time with my wife."

"Well, I like the piano so I have piano lessons on a weekly basis. I also like gardening, so I work on my yard a lot. But if I want to relax, I like to watch videos at night."

Something short and simple is the best answer. No need to elaborate on why.

 Would you like to have your boss's job?

"Would you like to have your boss's job?"

Unless you have a better answer, the best answer for this question is a yes. However, you should clearly state that you want to learn everything and eventually move into a similar position. Do not sound like you are a person who is going to steal the job, but rather someone who is going to work hard to earn the position.

Short Answers

"When I gain a little more experience, I'll be looking to find a position that is similar to my managers job. But for now, I want to continue to learn as an employee while helping the company grow."

"I'm always learning new things and in time, I would like to have my boss's position. I believe I'm on track to become a manager and I'll continue to work hard to prove my abilities to the company."

"Yes. I have several years of experience and I also took on projects to learn more about management. I don't necessarily want to replace my manager, but I would like to learn more about management so I can be ready when a position is available."

Long Answer

"I would definitely like to have my boss's job. However, before taking on that role, I want to gain more experience and learn from my manager. I believe in thorough preparation and I am doing everything I can to learn more about management and taking on more difficult projects. I know through my hard work I will eventually have the opportunity to have a similar position to my boss."


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